February 14-20, 2022

Wedged between Valentine's Day and National Caregiver Day is Random Acts of Kindness week. What can you do to show some love/kindness to someone this week? Here are some easy ways to bring a smile to someone's face!
Text or call someone you haven't talked to in a while
Take a meal to someone going through a hard time, a new parent, someone who is sick, etc.
Write a thank you note/letter to someone who has made a difference in your life- teacher, grandparent, friend, etc.
Bake/Buy some goodies and give to your neighbor, mail carrier, bank, local fire, police, or EMS station
Do a chore you don't usually do, without being asked
Offer to help an elderly person with a chore
Shovel/clear someone's driveway
Give someone flowers
Surprise a coworker with their favorite snack or drink
Pay for the person behind you in a drive thru lane
Send a letter to a shut-in, widow/widower, missionary, military, etc.
What ideas do you have to show some kindness and love this week?