December marks the beginning of the most charitable month of the year. One-third (31%) of annual giving occurs in December. Last year, Americans gave $410.2 billion to charities, breaking all previous records!
But all statistics aside, December is a special time where we feel more charitable, have more desire to help those in need, and are more appreciative of our blessings. Perhaps it is because we remember the greatest gift that was given to us- God's son, Jesus Christ, coming down to earth as a baby, and want to share that special gift with others. Perhaps it is the time of year we really remember that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Perhaps we want to spread some holiday cheer and share the happiness of this special time of year. Perhaps we are just cleaning out the old winter coats that don't fit our kids anymore and choose to donate them! They are all meaningful ways to spread joy and blessings to others.
Often times we think of giving as only physical gifts or items. But we can also give the gift of kind words, and it doesn't cost a penny! Say some encouraging words to everyone you meet today. Say thank you more often. Offer a kind smile to strangers on the street or coworkers. Call up a distant relative who you don't get to see very often. Make a list of your blessings. Visit an elderly neighbor or shut in.
There are many, many ways to give! Make December the beginning of a more giving and thankful attitude that you can continue throughout the coming year!